Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why do police have to take the drinking and driving law so seriously?

So from across the street, there's this black guy with a gun in his pocket, he's just riding his bike while at the same time drinking grape soda; steering with one hand, drinking with the other hand, then an officer stops him and the black guy got arrested. I couldn't hear what was going on, but apparently he was arrested for drinking and driving at the same time.Why do police have to take the drinking and driving law so seriously?
If he was arrested for DUI then it wasn't just soda. If he was drunk and riding his bicycle and ran out infront of another car and was killed he would be at fault. It is for the protection of the drunk and the innocent motorists. Also a bike is considered a vehicle.
because DUI i like in dangering everyone, he or see could kill people, like children, what gives that person the right to put yours or mine life in danger, it doesn't, now some of the stuff cops do is wrong, like if a person is trying to sleep cause he or she is drunk and don't want to drive, and go to sleep in there car, they still get them for DUI, that's dumb, like if you are walking while your drunk, they get you walking while drunk, but i believe in never to drink and drive,well byeWhy do police have to take the drinking and driving law so seriously?

What is a guy on a bicycle doing with a gun in his pocket?

Many guys case the streets for houses that are vacant; or lights out (burlary) on a bicycle.

I mean whose gonna stop a guy on a bike right?

Who would question a guy on a bike?
Skin color makes no difference. The police probably saw the weapon and the guy *probably* did not have a carry permit.

Game over

Thank you for playing

Please insert another coinWhy do police have to take the drinking and driving law so seriously?
LOL they're just trying to protect citizens like you!
Drunk and careless drivers kill 44,000 people per year in the USA.

Murderers only kill 15,000 people a year. Murders are hard to prevent (the laws are to lax and keep putting them back on the streets).

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