Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Canadians:To what extent do Canada's immigration laws and policies meet the needs of society?

Do you think the way we handle immigration is good?

Do you welcome immigrants with open arms?

Do you think Canada should be accepting refugees?

What do you think of our immigration laws and policies?Canadians:To what extent do Canada's immigration laws and policies meet the needs of society?
the rules are nuts they are turning canada into an adjunct of china , bangladesh, pakistan and india, well educated decent honest europeans are finding it increasingly harder to come here, australia is doing the sameCanadians:To what extent do Canada's immigration laws and policies meet the needs of society?
To the previous reply:-

Rules apply to every immigrant in the same way. Be they from Bangladesh, China, or Poland. It is unfortunate that most talented people usually win.

To the Question:-

There is a major flaw in our immigration policies. While we want to attract talent, we cannot. Simple reason is that humans are social animals. You cannot import just the talent but leave their family behind. Family re-unification needs to be reinstated. Otherwise, we will continue to spin our wheels trying to get talent and loosing it after a few years. It is a waste of resources and morally questionable to split up families.

Canada MUST help refugees. We MUST do our part as people of means to help those in trouble. It is just like when we donate millions to tsunami victims or drought striken people. It costs us collectively to accept refugees but it also feels good and builds goodwill.Canadians:To what extent do Canada's immigration laws and policies meet the needs of society?
Whenever this question comes up people seem to talk either about 'points' immigrants or 'family class' immigrants but do so as if there was only one group.

I'm strongly in favour of points immigration where people are assessed on their points for language, education, job skills etc. What I strongly oppose is the 'chain immigration' that family class immigration leads to. Basically once a points immigrant gets into Canada they turn around and invite their immediate family who invite their immediate family etc.

So while it is true Canada takes in hundreds of thousands of immigrants, we do not take in hundreds of thousands of qualified immigrants who will convert to law abiding, income earning tax payers.

Moreover, the family class has so distorted our immigration quotas that the government's hands are tied and they are forced to issue family class visas with few restrictions. This has resulted in s small group of countries dominating, and squeezing out, immigrants from other countries.These immigrants come from countries where the extended family model means they all have tons of relatives to invite to Canada. As they are not points immigrants they do not have to know English or French or have any job skills. They do not pay taxes but they consume social services. In effect, they are the 'mooch class'.

Countries such as Russia and the Ukraine, to name two, do not send many immigrants to Canada. The few who make it here come from nuclear families so they cannot use chain immigration to lever points immigrants. They are almost purely points immigrants, This is a double standard which makes it nearly impossible for people to come to Canada from Eastern Europe.

The Harper Conservatives like the current system just fine since it was immigrants more than anyone else who gave them their coveted majority government. They will repay these communities by further increasing the supply of reliable immigrant voters from these preferred countries.

Canadians:To what extent do Canada's immigration laws and policies meet the needs of society?

Do you think the way we handle immigration is good? No I think our laws and policies are the worst in our history.

Do you welcome immigrants with open arms? If they want to work and be productive, then yes.

If they want to become Canadians and adopt the Canadian way of life then yes. If they do not want to learn English or French, then no.

Do you think Canada should be accepting refugees? If they came here from a safe country like the USA or the UK, then they are not refugees since they already found refuge. Just send them back. There are tens of millions that could be called refugees. There is no reason to take any of them. Why should they be our problem?

What do you think of our immigration laws and policies?
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