Saturday, March 10, 2012

How do I become a University Law Lecturer?

My girlfriend is 25, has a Law Degree and passed the Bar course in 2006, but didn't gain pupillage.

She has since been working as a defense Paralegal, with most of her work concentrating on major fraud cases.

She requires approximately 6 months non-contentious work to cross-qualify as a solicitor and is currently trying to find this work.

What other qualifications or experience does she need and how would she attempt to become a University Law Lecturer from her current position?How do I become a University Law Lecturer?
Normally, you need a PhD or any other recognised Doctorate on top of your degree to lecture students at Universities. The principle is that you should be one step higher than the students you're lecturing. So with a PhD you can lecture undergrad as well as Masters students.

If she's keen she should do a PhD. She's still young so she could do it part-time and mature into it. It's normally easier for more mature PhD students.

Good luck!How do I become a University Law Lecturer?
I'm pretty sure if she watches 72 CSI episodes, 142 Boston Legal episodes and 127 Law n Order Episodes, this will qualify her

hope this helped

What is the reason under current law for only insuring to 75% of gross income for life insurance coverage?

What is the reason under current law for only insuring to 75% of gross income for life insurance coverage?

A. It will not be as costly to live after they are gone

B. It is too expensive to cover 100%

C. The law does not allow any more

D. There is an income tax exemption on life insurance benefits

Anyone?...The answer isn't A, because I got it wrong last time. Help?What is the reason under current law for only insuring to 75% of gross income for life insurance coverage?
D. You don't pay taxes on life insurance benefits.What is the reason under current law for only insuring to 75% of gross income for life insurance coverage?
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What is the reason under current law for only insuring to 75% of gross income for life insurance coverage?
There is no "law" saying that life insurance must be limited to 75% gross annual income.
No such law in the U.S.

Why is Law enforcement of existing laws and statutes going down the drain?

Why is Law enforcement of existing laws and statutes going down the drain? This seems to be an ungoing problem here in America why and what is your solution?Why is Law enforcement of existing laws and statutes going down the drain?
I believe you have been misinformed or are confused.Why is Law enforcement of existing laws and statutes going down the drain?
Because we've legislated ourselves into a corner. A fairly substantial population does *some* kind of criminal act(anything from speeding to DUI to smoking pot). There's not enough police to arrest them all, courts to try them all, or jails to hold them all.

In fact, we keep making more and more restrictive pointless laws.

My solution is that people quit whining, and handle their own business instead of relying on lawyers and the government. Not in every situation of course. But a hell of a lot more than they do now.Why is Law enforcement of existing laws and statutes going down the drain?
source: John Locke "The Second Treatise on Government"


A crime is something that a society agrees no one should do, because it takes something that "naturally belongs to" someone else. "Naturally belongs to" means exists in its present form because the someone else created it through their labor, or bought it with the fruits of their labor, or was endowed to the individual by our Creator [as in a person's body and/or mental health].

It follows that one fundamental human right is that the result of a person's labor is his. This is the essence of capitalism -- I created it, so I own it, and therefore I have the right to the exclusive use of it, and therefore the right to manage it as I see fit. From this flows the concept that theft is a crime, as well as violence, abuse, or the threat of either toward the mental, physical, or emotional health of anyone else.


The correct amount of punishment for a crime is that which will deter others from committing the crime, and/or will prevent the perpetrator from committing the crime again. Any punishment beyond that is excessive and amounts to evil for the sake of evil -- which is "naturally" a crime in and of itself.


What I think has happened in much of America is that punishments are not sufficient to deter either the actual criminal or others from doing the same.

Example: drunk driving. Driving while impaired puts other people at risk of injury or death. Since this unarguably takes form them via force or threat, it is a crime.

In the Scandinavian countries, driving after drinking is a very serious offense. Fines begin at a week's pre-tax wages and go up from there. Such individuals also lose their driving privilege for a minimum of three months -- no excuses, no exceptions. There are very few drunk drivers.

By contrast, in America, we have many drunk drivers and many repeat drunk drivers. At $250 for first offense, the fine is too small. Further, the offender's driving license is not automatically suspended at all.

I suggest that the punishment for drunk driving in America should be more like this: First offense: 1. a fine of two weeks pre-tax income, plus 2. driving license suspended for three months, plus until fine is paid. Second offense: 1. a fine of two month's pre-tax income and driving license revoked for a year.

Caught driving anyway on suspended license -- the perp is immediately found in contempt of court [he was ordered to not drive earlier] and jailed for the remainder of his license suspension. If he owns the vehicle, it is sold and the proceeds go to the victim's relief fund. If he doesn't own the vehicle, it is returned to the owner and the owner ordered by the court to not allow perp to use any vehicle again. [there are numerous subcases which need handling depending on circumstances]

Pretty quickly, anyone who violates a driving license suspension will be unable to borrow to buy a vehicle -- since the loan company would be at serious risk of losing their money. This gets habitual offenders out of cars.

I think you'll find that many of America's fines and punishments are similarly far too soft to effectively deter crime. Multiplying fines by approximately 10 and seizing and selling assets to pay them would probably help a great deal.


What does the law in West Virginia say about driving minors out of state lines even with parental permission?

My boyfriend is 17 and I'm 18, his family is having financial problems out of state and he needs to return to West Virginia. Could I drive and pick him up and drive him into WV while having parental permission from both sides and it not be against the law? Please answer and help soon, I need to know soon.What does the law in West Virginia say about driving minors out of state lines even with parental permission?
I think you should drive to DC and get with me babe. I'm 69 ;)What does the law in West Virginia say about driving minors out of state lines even with parental permission?
Seriously? There are no laws about driving minors across state lines like that. You're fine.

What kind of careers for a law school graduate who doesn't want to practice law?

My sister will have a Master's degree in forensic science and wants to work in a crime lab. She is having a tough time finding a job. She is now considering law school. Will this help her in her goal of working in a crime lab?What kind of careers for a law school graduate who doesn't want to practice law?
No, working in a crime lab will help her more. Working in that department as a clerk/low range lab tech will help.

She might consider moving to a remote area, so she can be the only coroner for miles around. She could end up with a county or state job. She could teach and do autopsies, too.

Try Alaska, Wyoming, Minnesota, indian reservations, or go back to school for her PHD.
Law school sucks, better to work in a lab as someone said. Law school will not help you with any career.

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What kind of careers for a law school graduate who doesn't want to practice law?
Forensic law would be a possiblity, possibly as an investigator. Lots of people do things other than regular legal work, but it's 3 years of really hard work. Is she up for it??

It's very difficult to find forensic science jobs. She just has to wait and keep an eye out--they will come up. I know someone who waited (in Hawaii) for two years and she now works at the police department.
It could help her in the crime lab. If she just wants help progressing her career and MBA could help.What kind of careers for a law school graduate who doesn't want to practice law?
Why do people answer questions if they have no idea what they are talking about?

Law school will 100% not help her get a job in a crime lab. If she wants to do research and write memos, law school is the answer. Seriously, you learn very little in law school that is useful. It is mostly theory. For many people it is the most expensive mistake of their lives.

If she loves to research and push paper, and is ok with 100k of debt then law school is the answer. Keep in mind, unless she attends a top 14 school, or is in the top 10% of her class, she will be hustling to get a job as an attorney for 40-55k. Seriously.

The job search can be frustrating, but it is even worse when your 100k in debt and have to do work that is mindless just to pay off your student loans. She should really research the decision to attend law school before jumping into it. Good luck.
I once worked at a temp in a Catholic hospital and all the priests and nuns in the administrative section had law degrees.
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  • Is there a law that keeps you from buying a tattoo matchine and tattooing yourself or your friends?

    I purchased a tattoo matchine kit. A bunch of single use needles tube and tips, ink caps... everything you would need to do safe tattooing. But now my question is can I practice and not be breaking the law? Can I accept money for the tattooes that I do? What are my limitations?Is there a law that keeps you from buying a tattoo matchine and tattooing yourself or your friends?
    There's no law against purchasing equipment and tattooing yourself with said equipment without any special training or certifications/licenses. There may be laws against tattooing others, however.

    In any case, just because you CAN do it doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. Tattooing others is a very bad idea unless you know what you're doing. If you want to learn how, you can purchase synthetic tattooing skin to practice on. It doesn't cost that much. Once you get good at it, get the proper certifications and licenses, and open your own shop.
    Actually in Missouri there is a proposed rule change that requires ALL tattooers to have either 600 hour apprenticeship or 300 hours of licensed tattoo schooling so you would be operating illegally.

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    Is there a law that keeps you from buying a tattoo matchine and tattooing yourself or your friends?
    there isn't a law against it, my mom is going to buy one for me along with the skin things to practise on

    but i think this may only be in KY but if you get caught tattooing people from your home w/o your home being your business place you can get 30 days jail or an incredably huge fine

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    actually it IS against the law to tattoo another without the proper certs, ect.. it is hard to prove if you are, i am an apprentice in texas, i started out on myself, but soon realized that it was more complicated than just being an artist, picking up a machine and going to town..

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    Is there a law that keeps you from buying a tattoo matchine and tattooing yourself or your friends?
    You would be operating illegally if you were in Illinois, for instance. As of July 2007, you have to work out of a registered facility. Never mind that is completely unethical to be permanently marking someone's skin without proper training or knowledge of how to prevent cross contamination.
    As far as I'm aware, this is the law: you have to be a licensed tattoo artist to do anything.
    No law against buying them, you can get them on eBay easily.

    Not so sure about tattooing others...

    My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?

    I come from a traditional family with set rules and values. I recently gave birth to my daughter and I am going to be celebrating her one month birthday. In my family's tradition, we are supposed to shave her head. I want to follow that tradition, however my mother in law is opposed to it. She thinks it's barbaric and has been upset with my decision for the go-ahead. What should I do?My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?
    I was going to say tell her to shut up..

    ..but really, what's the point of this tradition? Is it like a religious thing or just some silly crap your grandma made up?

    Well, I guess you should probably still tell her to shut up, tell your own family the same, and you and your husband can make up your own minds.
    When all is said and done, you are her mother. It truly is your choice. The only way that your mother-in-law (or anybody else, other than you or the father) should have any say is if you were an unfit parent, raising your child in an unfit environment and doing something completely wrong. Shaving your daughters head after 1 month really isn't a big deal, they don't have much hair after 1 month anyway. Your mother-in-law should back off, and let you carry on with your family traditions. It's not like you're being a bad mother by shaving your daughters head, it's no harm to the child at all. So, really, being the mother, unless your child's father disagrees, then it's your choice!

    It's's gunna grow back.My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?
    although I have to say it seems a strage tradition to me, its not like its going to hurt her and there cant be that much to shave off anyways, if shes a month old. But all that aside, this is your daughter. Not your mother in laws. You need to discuss things with your husband and as long as you two are in agreement, who in the world is going to care about what she thinks about?? If she keeps bugging you then your husband needs to have a talk with her about boundaries. And you need to grow a backbone and put your foot down on matter that have nothing to do with your mil
    Your 1 month old has enough hair that it'd even be noticeable if you shaved it? I would suggest against lathering her head up with shaving cream and taking a razor to it, but buzzers aren't going to cause any damage.

    Remember that this is the person who raised your husband; she must not be all bad. She _has_ dealt with children and _does_ have valuable insight, perspective, and advice. Take it with respect and then make the best decision all around.My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?
    You are her mother so you are allowed to say what goes. Although she may be upset you are her mom and you can do whatever you want, you are in charge. I think it should be up to you what goes...she is only the grandmother and although she may be upset and will be upset when you do's not her place to try to control you and tell you what you can and can't do. It's your tradition that you want followed so go ahead and do it regardless!
    There is no problem here...what you should do is raise your child the way YOU and YOUR HuSBAND want to raise her. Grandmothers don't get to descide...they raised their kids, now they get to enjoy their grandkids, while minding their own business and letting the parents raise them the way they see fit. Please note that I said this is yours and your husbands decision...not JUST YOURS.
    It's your daughter not hers. You raise YOUR daughter how you want she can't do anything about it since it isn't her daughter. So go for what you want to do in your child's life.
    You are the mother. It sounds like a pretty stupid tradition, but she probably doesn't have much hair anyway. Just be careful not to nick her tender skin.
    Who shaves a one month olds head.
    Go ahead follow your family tradition and shave her head.....lmao, this can't be real
    It's your baby, not hers...
    I think you're both silly. Who cares if a one year-old girl has hair?
    She is YOUR daughter, it is a tradition in YOUR family, and you mother in law should stay out of it, and let you do what you want with your daughter. although, your husband should have a say in it. if he still thinks its okay, then go for it and who cares what she says, but if he doesn't, then talk to him about it :)

    answer mine please?;鈥?/a>

    What is the law concerning passing a school bus?

    I live in Texas and I have tried to find an answer online. What is the law pertaining to passing a school bus on a roadway that has more than two lanes?What is the law concerning passing a school bus?
    You cannot pass a stopped school bus in either direction UNLESS you are on a divided road, then you can pass only if you are going in the opposite direction. The divider can be a fence, grass, etc. but if all the lanes are connected, do not pass.

    From Texas Dept of Public Safety:

    Drivers should also be aware that it is also illegal to pass school buses under certain conditions.

    "Motorists approaching a stopped school bus with alternating red flashing lights are required by state law to stop," said Charley Kennington, DPS program administrator for school bus transportation. "Violators face fines of up to $1,000 if convicted."

    Drivers should not proceed until the school bus resumes motion; the driver is signaled by the bus driver to proceed; or the visual signal is no longer activated. If a road is divided only by a left-turning lane, drivers on both sides of the roadway must stop for school buses with alternating red flashing lights activated. However, if the lanes are separated by an intervening space or physical barrier, only motorists going in the same direction as the bus are required to stop.
    WHAT, you can't pass buses!

    WOW, you really need to plant a bomb on them which the bus driver (namely a hot chick) wouldn't be able to go below (say 55mph) that way you don't need to pass it!

    Hey that would be a really cool film, cast someone like Keanu Reeves in it and you're on a winner!

    Pah, crazy America laws, in the UK we have bus lanes that most people drive in anyway to undertake other drivers and exceed the speed limit by at least double!What is the law concerning passing a school bus?
    i know u got ur answer - and i don't want to worry u, but when i was fourteen i was almost killed - just because the bus is stopped, does NOT mean the cars behind it will!! make sure u teach ur children to still look both ways before crossing! i didn't.
    I'm not sure but if it has more then one lane then I'd say your allowed to pass it I know here in Ct on the highway we have 2 lanes %26amp; I pass buses all the time nothing ever happens but our roads only have one lane normally not unless your by a casino lolWhat is the law concerning passing a school bus?
    all traffic is supposed to stop on all lanes in the state of al even if there is a small median between them
    When there's a school bus, and its picking or dropping off children, all cars must stop. Too bad cops aren't there to ticket the retarded drivers.
    if the student AMBERS are on... pass with caution cause that means there are children around, or the bus is at a railroad crossing

    if the student REDs are on... STOP ... this means that children are moving either accross the street or into or off the bus...

    Any other time pass if it is safe to do so
    You can not pass a stopped school bus with red lights flashing, from either direction even on a divided highway.
    I hope you don't already have your drivers license %26amp; are asking

    this question.
    If the lights are on; don't pass it. Period
    I am pretty sure that it is legal to pass a school bus as long as you are following all the other laws. Don't pass a bus if they are stopped with their 'stop' sign displayed, or lights are flashing.

    Your best way to find an answer for a local traffic law is to call the department/bureau of motor vehicles. If they can't tell you then whoever answers the phone should be fired. Ask for a drivers ed. law book, it will be in there.
    Check out Look up Texas and it should have a drivers ed book on the site.
    i only pass wind or feces. If you're passing school buses I don't know whether you should see a doctor or the Dept of Transport
    Like the first one said. If there are red lights you have to stop. If they are yellow you still don't because you have to be cautious. If they have no flashing lights on the hey they are just another car so to speak. Not sure about Texas though.
    Don't do it!
    person above is right, you can always pass a schoolbus if it's moving, but when it is stopped, you cannot.
    Even if the roadway is divided, you must stop!
    Are you just passing it on a road or passing it to get around because you don't want to stop? If the lights are on, you must stop. (Children pass on both sides of the road. It's a safety issue) This includes traffic going the other direction.
    You can go to the DMV and get a driving manual to get the laws for Texas. But in this state (I would guess in all states) you cannot pass if they are stopped and have their lights flashing as a child may be crossing the road.

    What does the law say regarding carrying a valid form of identification?

    Is there any law that says US citizens are required to carry valid identification on their person at all times? What about in Florida?What does the law say regarding carrying a valid form of identification?
    No. according to the u.s. supreme court, police can sometimes demand that you identify yourself, but the court was careful to point out that does not mean that police can demand that you produce some form of identification. If there was, nothing would stop you from simply printing your name on a business card and handing it over. Of course, when driving, you must have your license, but pedestrians have no such requirement.What does the law say regarding carrying a valid form of identification?
    I don't know if there is a law in Florida about being required to carry ID. I live in Florida, but even if I'm walking to a store, I always carry ID. I figure if I'm hit by a car, at least it will be known who I am and where I live.What does the law say regarding carrying a valid form of identification?
    It is just common sense to carry ID.

    What is the law in California for playing loud music in a car?

    What is the law and fines in California for playing loud music in a car that is parked in an apartment gated area? Who do you complain to if the music being played in the car is spilling explicit lyrics of profanity and sex.What is the law in California for playing loud music in a car?
    If you have a noise complaint call your local law enforcement. What is coming out of the speakers is irrelevant if it is noisy and your peace is being disturbed.

    The fine depends on what local ordinances exist in your jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions have no specific noise ordinance or the ordinance is vague. That may require you to make a citizen's arrest for disturbing your peace, with the police being present of course.

    As far as the noise emanating from a vehicle, there is a section in the California Vehicle Code 27007 which makes it illegal to operate or permit the operation of any sound amplification system which can be heard from 50 or more feet when the vehicle is being operated on a roadway. The typical fine for this offense is $146 as listed in the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule.

    What you have described does not fit the criteria for 27007 VC.

    I hope this information was helpful.
    it's considered a nuisance and disturbing the peace. Fines will never be big enough.

    I don;t mind music coming from a car but if it is so loud or has so much bass coming from it that it disturbs others then I would like the offender to be fined for it.

    There's this jacka ss that comes home every night between 1am-3am with bass pounding. Drives me crazy.What is the law in California for playing loud music in a car?
    i was fined $170 some odd dollars for having amplified the officer told me i could not have that...I'm assuming he meant past the 50 foot far as in your garage...if there are complaints you will be visited by the not sure if the 50 ft range also applies there also
    It's a noise ordinance in the vehicle code, if some 50 feet from your car can hear the music you're in violationWhat is the law in California for playing loud music in a car?
    In my state it's called Noise Ordinance.
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  • What is International Law and how does it shape state behavior?

    What is International Law? How does it shape a state's behavior? What are some good examples of successes in the international court?

    Answering any of these would be great!What is International Law and how does it shape state behavior?
    it's agreed on regulation of nation-state conduct, like the World Trade Organization.

    What are federal law standards for tardiness to work?

    What are the federal law standards for being late to work? How late can you be without getting in trouble? Is there any extra information pertaining specifically to Pennsylvania employment?What are federal law standards for tardiness to work?
    the federal law is that it is an employer-employee issue and as such the employer can set any policy they deem necessary for the operation of their business.

    as far as legal actions excessive absenteeism or excessive tardies are both grounds with cause for termination (no unemployment benefits) if that is the companies policy.

    the company should have a set policy and should communicate that policy but the law does not require them to.

    if they fail to communicate the policy prior to termination then the termination would be without cause (since the employee was not informed of the policy) and therefor the employee may qualify for unemployment.What are federal law standards for tardiness to work?
    Did you really think there would be federal, or state, laws saying you can break work rules without getting into trouble? You've got to be kidding.

    If you are late, you can be fired. Actually, PA is an employment at will state, so even if you are NOT late, you can be fired and they don't have to give you a reason or even have one.

    What are federal law standards for tardiness to work?
    there is no law on tardiness, if your job says start at 8 then you have to be there at 8. When you accepted the job, you also agreed to a schedule. check the EEOC if you want but i dont think you will find any different information

    What is the law regarding "customers only" washrooms in the province of Ontario, Canada?

    I was wondering what the current law is regarding use of washrooms by non-customers in the province of Ontario.

    Are places other than large malls (like fast food restaurants, bars, etc.) legally allowed to deny someone from using a washroom if they are not a paying customer?

    Also, I'm curious if there is any leeway for disabled people or people who suffer from bladder problems.

    Any links would be appreciated.

    Thank you.What is the law regarding "customers only" washrooms in the province of Ontario, Canada?
    I don't think there is a law. I can't think of any business that will keep you from using their restroom in an emergency if you are not a customer. Usually those signs are just put up to deter people (sometimes homeless people) from using their bathrooms when they aren't a customer, I have never heard of a business stopping someone from using their bathroom because you have not bought anything. I don't know the law in Canada but in the US a business can deny anyone access to their property, but they usually only do that in a case where that person has been caught stealing.lWhat is the law regarding "customers only" washrooms in the province of Ontario, Canada?
    This is a bit of a grey area.

    Under the Ontario Building Code, since 1976 retail establishments (this includes restaurants with up to 30 seats) are required to provide sufficient washrooms for all "occupants." In theory if you are in a store, planning to purchase something or not, you are an occupant. The building code however only requires that the washroom exist, but doesn't necessarily mandate its right of use.

    The City of Toronto recently enacted a bylaw for stores over 3200 sq feet requiring that the washrooms be made available to the public (the city reports use the word 'customer' but the bylaw says 'public'). It also requires that signs be installed indicating where the washrooms are.

    So from a strictly legal standpoint, generally if you are in a retail establishment in Ontario, a washroom needs to be made available to you.What is the law regarding "customers only" washrooms in the province of Ontario, Canada?
    It is the plain law of trespass. Businesses open their doors to the public. But there is a condition attached. You must attend for the purpose of doing business, or potentially doing business, with the store owner. Businesses are open to make money, not to be a public service to you, no matter what your condition. So it is perfectly justifiable for businesses to deny access to anyone who is not seeking to do business with the store. In other words, if you just want to "do your business" and not buy anything, or potentially buy anything, then you are just a trespasser.

    What is the law in Pennsylvania, concerning children with ringworm and summer camp?

    In Maryland, they may attend summer camp as long as the ringworm is being treated. What is the law in PA?What is the law in Pennsylvania, concerning children with ringworm and summer camp?
    This is a multiple answer question. The PA codes that apply are:

    4 Pa Code 搂 68.201 et seq

    Pennsylvania Health Regulations Title 28 PA Code Chapter 27

    Pennsylvania Code, Title 55. Public Welfare

    PA code 27.71

    You may also be subject to various local ordenances dependant upon where the summer camp is.

    What is the best engineering and law school in the Philippines?

    I want to take ECE and I can decide what school to go too. My dream is to study in De Lasalle or Ateneo but people say that Mapua is the best school here. What school shoul I pick and Love law too so i dont know what tp do is it gonna be Law or engineering.What is the best engineering and law school in the Philippines?
    Well, this is kinda biased since I went to La Salle. But go to La Salle-Dasmarinas they have a brand new Engineering department and their Political Science department is not that bad. Plus it's away from the crowded city (Manila). The mall (SM) is only 15 minutes away from the University. And Tagaytay only 30 min. So there are lots to do on the weekends or after school.

    But UP is known for their Law school and Mapua for their engineers (my brother went there).What is the best engineering and law school in the Philippines?
    For ECE go for UST (COE of CHED)

    For Law go for UST again( tradition of excellence)

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    What is the best engineering and law school in the Philippines?
    Mapua, still the best school for Engineers

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    UP, or Ateneo are my choices
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  • What is the law in NJ about hiring and paying illegal aliens? Are there tax or insurance issues 4 the employer?

    We see more and more loitering of large groups of illegal aliens waiting for people to come and pick them up. What is the law in NJ regarding hiring illegal aliens?What is the law in NJ about hiring and paying illegal aliens? Are there tax or insurance issues 4 the employer?
    There is no NJ law about it. AZ is the only State with any law concerning illegal aliens (and it hasn't taken effect yet)

    Federal law makes it a crime to hire an illegal alien.

    In addition, the aliens wages cannot legally be taken as a tax deduction. However, most employers of illegals are either running an all-cash operation and not paying any taxes, or report the wages under fake SSN's.

    An employer also cannot legally list an illegal alien on his workers comp policy, so most employers of illegals don't have any workers comp coverage - which is why at my wife's emergency room, there's rarely more than a couple of hours go by without a pickup truck with a rag over the license plate driving up and dropping off some manual laborer with his fingers wrapped in a rag, or being dropped on the sidewalk unconscious before the truck zooms off.

    RichardWhat is the law in NJ about hiring and paying illegal aliens? Are there tax or insurance issues 4 the employer?
    They're illegal. What part of illegal don't you get? It's against the law to hire them. Period. It doesn't matter how many of them you see in front of the Home Depot, it's not legal to hire them. There are no tax or insurance issues for the employer, just legal issues. Don't hire them if you don't want to break the law. Got it?What is the law in NJ about hiring and paying illegal aliens? Are there tax or insurance issues 4 the employer?
    wow thats horrible (regarding richards statement).

    What is the law when asking a business for copies of reciept?

    If I needed copies of reciepts for tax or legal reasons, what is the law for a business to comply to this? When I asked I was told that "all those details are with our accountant and we can't get them for you". Surely this is illegal, especially since I was not given reciepts at the time. I need these for legal reasons which could cost me thousands of dollars otherwise.What is the law when asking a business for copies of reciept?
    wht do u mean?

    What can a law enforcement do if a parent is about to drive drunk and the child calls police?

    I have a son, whose father is legallay allowed to have our son for 2 weeks visitation. I am afraid after a drunken phone call last night that his father, who has a court order against him that says he is not allowed to drink while our child is in his custody, may try to pick up our child from the airport while intoxicated (similar things happened over a decade ago). Now, I have told my son, under no circumstances is he to get into a car if his father smells like alcohol. Will the law enforcement community help my son if he calls from an airport phone? What can he do, being a minor, to keep his father from making him and his little sister get into the car? If my son has the court order in his hand, and calls the police, are they going to help him? Or does he actually have to commit the driving crime (dui/dwi) and endanger our child before they can help? I have to allow this visitation, per court order. My son says he will do this, but I shouldn't have to ask. So what do I do?What can a law enforcement do if a parent is about to drive drunk and the child calls police?
    If your son has the court order, signed by a judge in his hand, and your ex is drunk when he picks them up, the police should be able to enforce that, and your son should pick up the white courtesy phone immediately. He won't be charged with DUI if he's not driving, but he will be in violation of the court order. No cop would allow someone who's possibly drunk to drive off with 2 kids, just to get a DUI charge.
    No, they should be able to snag him if he has his keys "under his control" and is moving toward the vehicle. Especially if he drove there, he is screwed.

    Contact a lawyer or the police in the area your son may be going.What can a law enforcement do if a parent is about to drive drunk and the child calls police?
    Yes, have your son contact the department and explain that his father is intoxicated. Or in the case of the airport, he should be able to find any security/TSA/local LE and report it.

    The officer can and should intervene for your son's safety as well as the safety of others.

    In Ca you do not need a Complaint filed, the officers can investigate and "onview" public intoxication and or DUI if he is seen driving by a witness, or in a case I've made witness him driving via security camera. Hope this helps!!
    your child, if he/she feels the person picking them up is under the influence, can ask for help from airport security. If your child is traveling alone, they will have someone escorting them. If that person suspects alcohol or drug use in the person there to recieve them, they can not permit the release of the child. Other than that, if you dont witness, I think your helpless in this situation.What can a law enforcement do if a parent is about to drive drunk and the child calls police?
    The police cannot do anything unless a complaint is filed or the person has broken a law. You cannot be arrested for drunk driving until you start and move the car.

    Now, you have a court order so you can call the police and ask for enforcement. I suspect that your son may have a more difficult time so I suggest he call you and you call the police. I would also tell the son that he should go to airport authorities at once then ask to make the phone call.

    You should check with a lawyer or possibly the district attorney as they would prosecute for failure to obey the court order.
    Wrong. There was a Supreme Court case recently that found in the favor of a young woman who was charged and convicted of DUI, but was merely in her unstarted vehicle with the keys in the ignition. They can't do that any more. The police can prevent your son's father from driving your son anywhere, but they can't charge him with DUI. The driver has to be in control of a vehicle that is in motion, even an inch, for that to happen. Speaking to airport security will get the ball rolling for your kid if he needs to. Good luck to you both.
    wow, never hear of a court odrer like that, but if it clearly states he is not to drink while having the children you need to enforce this as much as possible, even if it involves the children. Depending on the age of the children it is alot of responsibilty on them, I would seek the court to have a supervised visits due to your concerns.

    You can't arrest some one for drinking if they are over 21, also most states have laws that state a what point your considered drunk or for a dui.The down side is that yes he would have to be cuaght in the act have the keys in the ignition and the vehicle would have to be running to be busted for a dui.

    If he pickes the kids up at an airport, I would instruct your children if they suspected him of drinking and the order states he is not supoose to, walk right up to airport security, or local police officer and report it.

    Having a copy of the order is a good idea!

    Hope your son is at an age where the resposibilty is not to much, but you should explain to your children your reasoning be up front and honest with them, that this alternative is better than ending up dead becuase of some jack *** who prefers to drink and endanger his kids!
    Tell him to get to a payphone and call 911.

    Even if they can't charge him with DUI, they can get him for Public Intoxication, and Child Endangerment.
    Many states have another charge, APC or "Actual Physical Control" of a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

    You don't have to be moving or even have the vehicle started to be charged with this, however the keys do have to be in the ignition and the person has to be in the drivers seat.

    What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?

    Both individuals are consenting adults and windows are tinted, no minors around at all. What would the consequences be if caught by law enforcement.What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?
    In California, there are two main charges that prohibit this type of conduct: Penal Code 647(a), Lewd Conduct and PC 314, Indecent Exposure. Whether there were minors present or whether there was consent isn't necessary to prove either charge.

    All it takes is someone to be offended by that conduct. So if someone walking their dog by sees you inside the car and one person is engaged in the touching of his own or another person's genitals, buttocks, or female breast, they have a right to have you arrested for PC 647(a). If they happen to see genitalia (not female breasts) then it is PC 314 also. The problem with 314 is that it carries a requirement to register as a sex offender.

    The defense to both crimes is that you didn't know or shouldn't have reasonably known that someone would have seen you and been offended by your conduct. If you were parked in a dark, secluded alley far away from any pedestrian traffic, that is a much better defense than being parked along a residential street. However the simple act of a citizen occasioning upon you in flagrante delicto may be enough to satisfy the requirement that you should have known your conduct was likely to offend.

    Both crimes are misdemeanors. Often a 647(a) charge results in a sentence of taking classes and fines with probation, no jail time. PC 314 is a little more serious and a second conviction automatically becomes a felony.What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?
    Yes it is illegal, It's called Public Indecency. Public indecency is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. If it's been commited 3 times, on the third time it's considered a Class 6 Felony. The First Offense would be a Min. of probation to Max. of 2 years. The Second Offense would be

    Min. 0 days to Max. 3 years in jail. The Third Offense would be

    Max. of 6 years. It also depends on the age of the accuser under 15 it's a felony the first time, over than it's just a misdemeanor.What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?
    Its considered disorderly conduct in my state.

    What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?

    I need to distribute our trust account to our clients of 5+ years ago. The hard part is that the contact info that we have stored in our database are almost all wrong because the client did not stay in contact with the law firm. What do we do with all the money in the trust account that we can't distribute because we can't find the clients?What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?
    they buy a big fat cigar and laugh while lining there pockets.What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?
    D'oh -- ask an attorney, silly.


    seriously, state law controls this. in most states, after you make reasonable and diligent attempts to find the person, you are required to turn the funds over to the state [escheat] and they will thereafter hold them for benefit of the beneficiaries [or otherwise as state law directs].What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?
    You advertise and then turn the money over to the State
  • the battlefield 2
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  • What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?

    An empty room. Suspect gets handcuffed, and a member of the family gets 5 minutes with him? I'd say that would be the best law ever in history. Only if the law is certain that murder is responsible for the crime before they jump to conlusions.What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    Well, I think this will tend to get recursive, real fast. The murderer gets killed by the family member? Well, that's a new murder trial without any doubt who's the killer. Then this'll go back and forth, until the family with the fewer or less combative family members loses. Congratulations, you've just reinvented blood feuding.
    But how is the law ever certain of that? Every year there are innocent people being released from prison for things they didn't do.

    9 people were released from death row last year and exonerated.鈥?/a>

    The law was so certain they did it, that the law was ready to put them to death. Imagine how many people the law missed, who were innocent and who were never discovered.What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    I say, "In a parallel universe, that murder never happened. And the family member murdered in this universe is alive and well in another universe."
    I would agree only if after 4.5 minutes, a family member pulls a .357 and ends the "discussion".What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    I think that's a good way to get a second member of the family killed. Not everyone has murder in their heart.
    I agree with everything you just wrote above.

    What kind of law practice is best suited for me?

    I am interested in studying law. However, I have not been successful in finding sources that rate types of practices of law according to salary and hours worked per week. I would prefer not to work more than forty hours per week... but I also know that I will have law school loans to pay... can I have it all? Is there a type of law that I can work 40 hours or less per week, but still make money? Thanks for the input!What kind of law practice is best suited for me?
    Coming out of law school, if you want to work a 40 hour week it can be done. You can go to work for the government somewhere, or the public defenders, or legal aid and will pretty much work the 40. But these are not the dream jobs of the aspiring affluent.

    Going to a big firm will pay the big bucks. But they will work it out of you; billing 2000 hours a year (that would be 50 weeks at 40 hours a week) will usually take 60+ hours a week to achieve. And usually new associates at big firms work closer to 80 hours a week.

    Did you ever read "The Firm"? Yes, that is likely the sweatshop hours you will work, but without most of those perks, if you want to go to the big firms.What kind of law practice is best suited for me?
    idk, im not really sure who you are and how hard you work. maybe try a Lawyer.What kind of law practice is best suited for me?
    If you don't want to work more than 40 hours a week then do not go into law. Even as a consulting legal advisor to the EU I worked a minimum of 80 hours a week and lived in hotels for three years.

    Granted, it was some of the best hotels in Europe, but my private beach in Florida is better suited for me.
    Tam, I've been a litigation assistant for 20 years. I've got some good news and some bad news for ya.

    The good news is that, while you're in law school, you will be exposed to small helpings of different types of law - family law, torts, personal injury, corporate, tax law, etc. You may also want to work part-time while you are in law school as a clerk for a law firm in your area (many law students do so that they can learn how the local court system works firsthand and also how to research case law). After you graduate from law school you will be required to take your state's bar exam to obtain your license to practice law. Your first-year income will depend mostly on where you live and how well you did in law school.

    The bad news is that there will more likely than not be many times when you will be asked to work more than 40 hours a week. A lot of attorneys work 6 days a week - they have to so that they can meet clients, catch up on their work, prepare in great detail for an upcoming trial on a big case, sometimes even negotiating a settlement on a case.

    One of the best things I've ever heard an attorney say is that "I (the attorney) do not leave until the work gets done. There is no '9-to-5' in this business". Even though I am not an attorney, it's something I live by - and makes the firm I work for a more efficient and successful place.

    What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?

    Hi All,

    In Islam, if i die leaving only my wife and my parents and 2 siblings (female sisters)

    What is the inheritance law and how will my wealth be divided ? My assets are in Cash.What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    Qur'an 4.11: Allah enjoins you concerning your children: The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females; then if they are more than two females, they shall have two-thirds of what the deceased has left, and if there is one, she shall have the half; and as for his parents, each of them shall have the sixth of what he has left if he has a child, but if he has no child and (only) his two parents inherit him, then his mother shall have the third; but if he has brothers, then his mother shall have the sixth after (the payment of) a bequest he may have bequeathed or a debt; your parents and your children, you know not which of them is the nearer to you in usefulness; this is an ordinance from Allah: Surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.

    Qur'an 4.12: And you shall have half of what your wives leave if they have no child, but if they have a child, then you shall have a fourth of what they leave after (payment of) any bequest they may have bequeathed or a debt; and they shall have the fourth of what you leave if you have no child, but if you have a child then they shall have the eighth of what you leave after (payment of) a bequest you may have bequeathed or a debt; and if a man or a woman leaves property to be inherited by neither parents nor offspring, and he (or she) has a brother or a sister, then each of them two shall have the sixth, but if they are more than that, they shall be sharers in the third after (payment of) any bequest that may have been bequeathed or a debt that does not harm (others); this is an ordinance from Allah: and Allah is Knowing, Forbearing.

    Qur'an 4.176: They ask you for a decision of the law. Say: Allah gives you a decision concerning the person who has neither parents nor offspring; if a man dies (and) he has no son and he has a sister, she shall have half of what he leaves, and he shall be her heir she has no son; but if there be two (sisters), they shall have two-thirds of what he leaves; and if there are brethren, men and women, then the male shall have the like of the portion of two females; Allah makes clear to you, lest you err; and Allah knows all things.

    Qur'an 2.240: And those of you who die and leave wives behind, (make) a bequest in favor of their wives of maintenance for a year without turning (them) out, then if they themselves go away, there is no blame on you for what they do of lawful deeds by themselves, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

    This last ayat says she gets just a years maintenance and must leave the house, too.

    Then, question is, where does all the money and land etc go?

    Actually, even your parents and sisters get zilch.

    From what I got to know, it goes to the Wakf !?

    Sure sucks!

    If you want to give everything to your wife, transfer it while you are still alive.

    Report Abuse

    What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    His wife, the husband inherits half of the left if you do not have a child, and with the child inherits the quarter, albeit from another; and inherit from her husband, the wife left him fourth if he has no son, and with the child inherits the price, though others. This, there is no difference in blocking the boy both spouses share the highest among the direct and the boy was born a child no matter how down.
    She gets everything, she re-marries, then he dies and leaves it outside your family.

    If you want a choice of where to leave your wealth, you'll have to live in a free country where you can make a legally binding will.What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    Wife takes 3/17, Father 2/17, Mother 4/17, each sister 4/17
    @Jason: you might want to tell that Muslim teacher to take a remedial math class. That only adds up to 13/17
    I thought it went to the oldest male relative?
    Half goes to the wife
    Wife takes it all ..

    What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?

    An empty room. Suspect gets handcuffed, and a member of the family gets 5 minutes with him? I'd say that would be the best law ever in history. Only if the law is certain that murder is responsible for the crime before they jump to conlusions.What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    Well, I think this will tend to get recursive, real fast. The murderer gets killed by the family member? Well, that's a new murder trial without any doubt who's the killer. Then this'll go back and forth, until the family with the fewer or less combative family members loses. Congratulations, you've just reinvented blood feuding.
    But how is the law ever certain of that? Every year there are innocent people being released from prison for things they didn't do.

    9 people were released from death row last year and exonerated.鈥?/a>

    The law was so certain they did it, that the law was ready to put them to death. Imagine how many people the law missed, who were innocent and who were never discovered.What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    I say, "In a parallel universe, that murder never happened. And the family member murdered in this universe is alive and well in another universe."
    I would agree only if after 4.5 minutes, a family member pulls a .357 and ends the "discussion".What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    I think that's a good way to get a second member of the family killed. Not everyone has murder in their heart.
    I agree with everything you just wrote above.

    What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?

    Both individuals are consenting adults and windows are tinted, no minors around at all. What would the consequences be if caught by law enforcement.What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?
    In California, there are two main charges that prohibit this type of conduct: Penal Code 647(a), Lewd Conduct and PC 314, Indecent Exposure. Whether there were minors present or whether there was consent isn't necessary to prove either charge.

    All it takes is someone to be offended by that conduct. So if someone walking their dog by sees you inside the car and one person is engaged in the touching of his own or another person's genitals, buttocks, or female breast, they have a right to have you arrested for PC 647(a). If they happen to see genitalia (not female breasts) then it is PC 314 also. The problem with 314 is that it carries a requirement to register as a sex offender.

    The defense to both crimes is that you didn't know or shouldn't have reasonably known that someone would have seen you and been offended by your conduct. If you were parked in a dark, secluded alley far away from any pedestrian traffic, that is a much better defense than being parked along a residential street. However the simple act of a citizen occasioning upon you in flagrante delicto may be enough to satisfy the requirement that you should have known your conduct was likely to offend.

    Both crimes are misdemeanors. Often a 647(a) charge results in a sentence of taking classes and fines with probation, no jail time. PC 314 is a little more serious and a second conviction automatically becomes a felony.What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?
    Yes it is illegal, It's called Public Indecency. Public indecency is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. If it's been commited 3 times, on the third time it's considered a Class 6 Felony. The First Offense would be a Min. of probation to Max. of 2 years. The Second Offense would be

    Min. 0 days to Max. 3 years in jail. The Third Offense would be

    Max. of 6 years. It also depends on the age of the accuser under 15 it's a felony the first time, over than it's just a misdemeanor.What is CA law regarding having sex in a car parked on a residential street at night?
    Its considered disorderly conduct in my state.
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  • How US immigration law can be improved by applying the permanent bar more often and in which situations?

    Imagine the illegal invasion in US is stopped by creating a rule to apply often and permanently eliminating the illegal aliens from entering. Obviously, some aliens never learn and why not the permanent bar to be applied after the first criminal attempt. Just to skip the other bars, what do you think? Do we have to look this from immigration prospective or from civil law prospective? I would like your best detailed explanation. Thank you a lot to contribute to this forum for a better future!!How US immigration law can be improved by applying the permanent bar more often and in which situations?
    Bars and bans only affect those that would immigrate legally. They have no effect on the real problem when people can just walk in at will and blend into a system that does little to ferret them out.How US immigration law can be improved by applying the permanent bar more often and in which situations?
    In reality although the 3 and 10 year bans sound like they have time limits. Those people will not get in again.

    For example a british person who overstays and gets a 3 year ban is not ever going to be allowed back in the US. At least on any type of tourist visa.

    What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?

    Hi All,

    In Islam, if i die leaving only my wife and my parents and 2 siblings (female sisters)

    What is the inheritance law and how will my wealth be divided ? My assets are in Cash.What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    Qur'an 4.11: Allah enjoins you concerning your children: The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females; then if they are more than two females, they shall have two-thirds of what the deceased has left, and if there is one, she shall have the half; and as for his parents, each of them shall have the sixth of what he has left if he has a child, but if he has no child and (only) his two parents inherit him, then his mother shall have the third; but if he has brothers, then his mother shall have the sixth after (the payment of) a bequest he may have bequeathed or a debt; your parents and your children, you know not which of them is the nearer to you in usefulness; this is an ordinance from Allah: Surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.

    Qur'an 4.12: And you shall have half of what your wives leave if they have no child, but if they have a child, then you shall have a fourth of what they leave after (payment of) any bequest they may have bequeathed or a debt; and they shall have the fourth of what you leave if you have no child, but if you have a child then they shall have the eighth of what you leave after (payment of) a bequest you may have bequeathed or a debt; and if a man or a woman leaves property to be inherited by neither parents nor offspring, and he (or she) has a brother or a sister, then each of them two shall have the sixth, but if they are more than that, they shall be sharers in the third after (payment of) any bequest that may have been bequeathed or a debt that does not harm (others); this is an ordinance from Allah: and Allah is Knowing, Forbearing.

    Qur'an 4.176: They ask you for a decision of the law. Say: Allah gives you a decision concerning the person who has neither parents nor offspring; if a man dies (and) he has no son and he has a sister, she shall have half of what he leaves, and he shall be her heir she has no son; but if there be two (sisters), they shall have two-thirds of what he leaves; and if there are brethren, men and women, then the male shall have the like of the portion of two females; Allah makes clear to you, lest you err; and Allah knows all things.

    Qur'an 2.240: And those of you who die and leave wives behind, (make) a bequest in favor of their wives of maintenance for a year without turning (them) out, then if they themselves go away, there is no blame on you for what they do of lawful deeds by themselves, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

    This last ayat says she gets just a years maintenance and must leave the house, too.

    Then, question is, where does all the money and land etc go?

    Actually, even your parents and sisters get zilch.

    From what I got to know, it goes to the Wakf !?

    Sure sucks!

    If you want to give everything to your wife, transfer it while you are still alive.

    Report Abuse

    What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    His wife, the husband inherits half of the left if you do not have a child, and with the child inherits the quarter, albeit from another; and inherit from her husband, the wife left him fourth if he has no son, and with the child inherits the price, though others. This, there is no difference in blocking the boy both spouses share the highest among the direct and the boy was born a child no matter how down.
    She gets everything, she re-marries, then he dies and leaves it outside your family.

    If you want a choice of where to leave your wealth, you'll have to live in a free country where you can make a legally binding will.What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    Wife takes 3/17, Father 2/17, Mother 4/17, each sister 4/17
    @Jason: you might want to tell that Muslim teacher to take a remedial math class. That only adds up to 13/17
    I thought it went to the oldest male relative?
    Half goes to the wife
    Wife takes it all ..

    What is the law that says armed civilian is legal to be shot down in combat?

    I once read that any armed civilian who pose threat to soldier is legal to be shot down. I read that somewhere in the internet, and I thought I saw this when studying Civics, too.

    But I forgot what/which law explains that thing. Can someone help? Thank you.What is the law that says armed civilian is legal to be shot down in combat?
    Law? The law of common sense.

    I served in Vietnam with the River Patrol and every single person we killed was wearing civilian clothes. I could care less if they are in uniform, naked, wearing a jock strap or a tux. Shoot at me and I will kill you if I can.

    My kill count was 43 all in civilian clothes.

    What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?

    I would like to have people that are either lawyers or police officers answer this question. If a 2 year old child is brought into a police station by someone other than their legal guardian and questioned as a witness, what is the law regarding this? I know it varies from state to state just in general?What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?
    In a criminal case they can question them without a parent or guardian. If they are at school or a friend it is their duty to contact you. If "abandoned" them it is your fault. If you are aware of the interview you can impose a lawyers presence during questions. Even in a trial a child can be given a subpoena. So a child can be compelled to talk. However sometimes social workers use administrative power shield children.
    In general it is against the law unless consent was given by the legal guardian it cannot be used as evidence.What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?
    As a witness to crime they need no parent or guardian to be there. Your question is very broad.

    Edit: As a witness they really have no rights police must follow.
    I know that if the child is under 18 years old before questioning can begin the parents must be notified then they will decide if they want there son/ daughter to be questioned.What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?
    In what country?

    What is the law concerning having pepper spray in Southern California?

    I would like to have a can of pepper spray for my personal safety, and need to know the law on the issue... I also work security at night and just looking for a little help on the answer... Thanks!What is the law concerning having pepper spray in Southern California?
    I know that when I've bought it I didn't fill out forms as with a gun. I just bought a few cans. My understanding is that you are simply responsible for damage, just as if you hit someone over the head with a chair. Be certain you have a defense. Self defense, if true, would work.What is the law concerning having pepper spray in Southern California?
    They recommend you take instruction on safety, but you won't need any paperwork or anything. Pretty much same with tazers. just no mace :|
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  • What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?

    What happenes to you if the cops find out that you are running a underground casino. What will the law do to you? Jail time? And do the police really care if you run one because i know of a few.What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?
    Operating a gambling establishment without the proper permission, licenses, and probably not paying the taxes you owe on the income you generate can only lead to charges, trials, and fines/prison.
    Heck no, they don't care. Since we all like to have fun, give us the name(s) and location(s) of the casinos!What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?
    Well I cant say for sure but it would prolly be something like money laundering. ( just a guess tho )
    Depends are your jurisdiction, however, the punishment often includes time in prison. This is often a felony and can carry a harsh punishment. And yes, the police departments usually have a vice squad that would focus on this area and they are usually not guys you want to mess with.What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?
    If you are one of Dick Cheney's buddies, nothing. Otherwise, they will institute the double standard act and cite you for being a legal non-native-american citizen of the USA and find you guilty of something or other, it really doesn't matter what, the government just wants all your money and they will put you in jail as an excuse for taking it.
    You will be prosecuted by the state attorney's office and possibley go to jail or prison and pay fines. You will be placed on probation. Good luck in the slammer.
    I think you should mind your own business.

    What is the law about providing medical treatment to newborns?

    There are some who say that the law does not require treatment if there is an abortion and somehow the child survives. Is there anything in the recent health care bill about this?What is the law about providing medical treatment to newborns?
    I'm not sure, but I would presume that it depends on how far the treatment has progressed, and what sort of procedure is used. "Abortion" is only one procedure for terminating a pregnancy, and is basically unsurvivable.

    In later stages, the foetus is surgically removed and could in principle survive. If it does, then it's entitled to the same protection and treatment as any other baby.What is the law about providing medical treatment to newborns?
    Here's the bill:鈥?/a>

    No health plan would be required to offer coverage for the procedure. In plans that do cover abortion, beneficiaries would have to pay for it separately, and those funds would have to be kept in a separate account from taxpayer money.

    Moreover, individual states would be able to prohibit abortion coverage in plans offered through a new purchasing exchange. Exceptions would be made for cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother.

    Nothing in the bill that specifically addresses your question.

    What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?

    Should the Medicaid lien be resolved prior to finalizing and signing the settlement? Should Medicaid be a part of the settlement, providing all medical bills to be reimbursed, and signing off on the final agreement? If it is taken care of after the settlement agreement is reached between plaintiff and defendant, how long would the plaintiff/recipient of the award have to inform Medicaid of the settlement? How long would Medicaid have to respond with the bills they expect to be reimbursed for? Also, do you have any idea how long it takes for your settlement information to show up in Medicaid's system once submitted? Looking specifically for the law in the state of Kentucky. Sources please!What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?
    You need to talk to your attorney about what a lien is. Medicaid is going to have to be reimbursed whatever they're owed before you see a dime. You will get whatever is left of the settlement AFTER all medical bills and Medicaid claims are paid, and your attorney will pay these before you get your check.What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?
    What kind of lawsuit are you talking about, against who? Or do you mean against employer's Workmans Comp insurance, or another party?

    Whoever your settlement comes from, you have to repay Medicaid first, and they will deduct what they paid you before you get a check.What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?
    You need to consult with an lawyer on this one, they will answer all your concerns and questions.

    What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?

    I need to distribute our trust account to our clients of 5+ years ago. The hard part is that the contact info that we have stored in our database are almost all wrong because the client did not stay in contact with the law firm. What do we do with all the money in the trust account that we can't distribute because we can't find the clients?What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?
    they buy a big fat cigar and laugh while lining there pockets.What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?
    D'oh -- ask an attorney, silly.


    seriously, state law controls this. in most states, after you make reasonable and diligent attempts to find the person, you are required to turn the funds over to the state [escheat] and they will thereafter hold them for benefit of the beneficiaries [or otherwise as state law directs].What does a law firm do with the money in the trust account when you can't find the clients to give it to?
    You advertise and then turn the money over to the State

    What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?

    An empty room. Suspect gets handcuffed, and a member of the family gets 5 minutes with him? I'd say that would be the best law ever in history. Only if the law is certain that murder is responsible for the crime before they jump to conlusions.What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    Well, I think this will tend to get recursive, real fast. The murderer gets killed by the family member? Well, that's a new murder trial without any doubt who's the killer. Then this'll go back and forth, until the family with the fewer or less combative family members loses. Congratulations, you've just reinvented blood feuding.
    But how is the law ever certain of that? Every year there are innocent people being released from prison for things they didn't do.

    9 people were released from death row last year and exonerated.鈥?/a>

    The law was so certain they did it, that the law was ready to put them to death. Imagine how many people the law missed, who were innocent and who were never discovered.What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    I say, "In a parallel universe, that murder never happened. And the family member murdered in this universe is alive and well in another universe."
    I would agree only if after 4.5 minutes, a family member pulls a .357 and ends the "discussion".What do you say to a law of locking a murderer inside a room with a family member of the victim for 5 min?
    I think that's a good way to get a second member of the family killed. Not everyone has murder in their heart.
    I agree with everything you just wrote above.
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  • What kind of law practice is best suited for me?

    I am interested in studying law. However, I have not been successful in finding sources that rate types of practices of law according to salary and hours worked per week. I would prefer not to work more than forty hours per week... but I also know that I will have law school loans to pay... can I have it all? Is there a type of law that I can work 40 hours or less per week, but still make money? Thanks for the input!What kind of law practice is best suited for me?
    Coming out of law school, if you want to work a 40 hour week it can be done. You can go to work for the government somewhere, or the public defenders, or legal aid and will pretty much work the 40. But these are not the dream jobs of the aspiring affluent.

    Going to a big firm will pay the big bucks. But they will work it out of you; billing 2000 hours a year (that would be 50 weeks at 40 hours a week) will usually take 60+ hours a week to achieve. And usually new associates at big firms work closer to 80 hours a week.

    Did you ever read "The Firm"? Yes, that is likely the sweatshop hours you will work, but without most of those perks, if you want to go to the big firms.What kind of law practice is best suited for me?
    idk, im not really sure who you are and how hard you work. maybe try a Lawyer.What kind of law practice is best suited for me?
    If you don't want to work more than 40 hours a week then do not go into law. Even as a consulting legal advisor to the EU I worked a minimum of 80 hours a week and lived in hotels for three years.

    Granted, it was some of the best hotels in Europe, but my private beach in Florida is better suited for me.
    Tam, I've been a litigation assistant for 20 years. I've got some good news and some bad news for ya.

    The good news is that, while you're in law school, you will be exposed to small helpings of different types of law - family law, torts, personal injury, corporate, tax law, etc. You may also want to work part-time while you are in law school as a clerk for a law firm in your area (many law students do so that they can learn how the local court system works firsthand and also how to research case law). After you graduate from law school you will be required to take your state's bar exam to obtain your license to practice law. Your first-year income will depend mostly on where you live and how well you did in law school.

    The bad news is that there will more likely than not be many times when you will be asked to work more than 40 hours a week. A lot of attorneys work 6 days a week - they have to so that they can meet clients, catch up on their work, prepare in great detail for an upcoming trial on a big case, sometimes even negotiating a settlement on a case.

    One of the best things I've ever heard an attorney say is that "I (the attorney) do not leave until the work gets done. There is no '9-to-5' in this business". Even though I am not an attorney, it's something I live by - and makes the firm I work for a more efficient and successful place.

    How US immigration law can be improved by applying the permanent bar more often and in which situations?

    Imagine the illegal invasion in US is stopped by creating a rule to apply often and permanently eliminating the illegal aliens from entering. Obviously, some aliens never learn and why not the permanent bar to be applied after the first criminal attempt. Just to skip the other bars, what do you think? Do we have to look this from immigration prospective or from civil law prospective? I would like your best detailed explanation. Thank you a lot to contribute to this forum for a better future!!How US immigration law can be improved by applying the permanent bar more often and in which situations?
    Bars and bans only affect those that would immigrate legally. They have no effect on the real problem when people can just walk in at will and blend into a system that does little to ferret them out.How US immigration law can be improved by applying the permanent bar more often and in which situations?
    In reality although the 3 and 10 year bans sound like they have time limits. Those people will not get in again.

    For example a british person who overstays and gets a 3 year ban is not ever going to be allowed back in the US. At least on any type of tourist visa.

    What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?

    Hi All,

    In Islam, if i die leaving only my wife and my parents and 2 siblings (female sisters)

    What is the inheritance law and how will my wealth be divided ? My assets are in Cash.What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    Qur'an 4.11: Allah enjoins you concerning your children: The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females; then if they are more than two females, they shall have two-thirds of what the deceased has left, and if there is one, she shall have the half; and as for his parents, each of them shall have the sixth of what he has left if he has a child, but if he has no child and (only) his two parents inherit him, then his mother shall have the third; but if he has brothers, then his mother shall have the sixth after (the payment of) a bequest he may have bequeathed or a debt; your parents and your children, you know not which of them is the nearer to you in usefulness; this is an ordinance from Allah: Surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.

    Qur'an 4.12: And you shall have half of what your wives leave if they have no child, but if they have a child, then you shall have a fourth of what they leave after (payment of) any bequest they may have bequeathed or a debt; and they shall have the fourth of what you leave if you have no child, but if you have a child then they shall have the eighth of what you leave after (payment of) a bequest you may have bequeathed or a debt; and if a man or a woman leaves property to be inherited by neither parents nor offspring, and he (or she) has a brother or a sister, then each of them two shall have the sixth, but if they are more than that, they shall be sharers in the third after (payment of) any bequest that may have been bequeathed or a debt that does not harm (others); this is an ordinance from Allah: and Allah is Knowing, Forbearing.

    Qur'an 4.176: They ask you for a decision of the law. Say: Allah gives you a decision concerning the person who has neither parents nor offspring; if a man dies (and) he has no son and he has a sister, she shall have half of what he leaves, and he shall be her heir she has no son; but if there be two (sisters), they shall have two-thirds of what he leaves; and if there are brethren, men and women, then the male shall have the like of the portion of two females; Allah makes clear to you, lest you err; and Allah knows all things.

    Qur'an 2.240: And those of you who die and leave wives behind, (make) a bequest in favor of their wives of maintenance for a year without turning (them) out, then if they themselves go away, there is no blame on you for what they do of lawful deeds by themselves, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

    This last ayat says she gets just a years maintenance and must leave the house, too.

    Then, question is, where does all the money and land etc go?

    Actually, even your parents and sisters get zilch.

    From what I got to know, it goes to the Wakf !?

    Sure sucks!

    If you want to give everything to your wife, transfer it while you are still alive.

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    What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    His wife, the husband inherits half of the left if you do not have a child, and with the child inherits the quarter, albeit from another; and inherit from her husband, the wife left him fourth if he has no son, and with the child inherits the price, though others. This, there is no difference in blocking the boy both spouses share the highest among the direct and the boy was born a child no matter how down.
    She gets everything, she re-marries, then he dies and leaves it outside your family.

    If you want a choice of where to leave your wealth, you'll have to live in a free country where you can make a legally binding will.What is inheritance law in Islam if i die leaving only wife ?
    Wife takes 3/17, Father 2/17, Mother 4/17, each sister 4/17
    @Jason: you might want to tell that Muslim teacher to take a remedial math class. That only adds up to 13/17
    I thought it went to the oldest male relative?
    Half goes to the wife
    Wife takes it all ..

    What is the law that says armed civilian is legal to be shot down in combat?

    I once read that any armed civilian who pose threat to soldier is legal to be shot down. I read that somewhere in the internet, and I thought I saw this when studying Civics, too.

    But I forgot what/which law explains that thing. Can someone help? Thank you.What is the law that says armed civilian is legal to be shot down in combat?
    Law? The law of common sense.

    I served in Vietnam with the River Patrol and every single person we killed was wearing civilian clothes. I could care less if they are in uniform, naked, wearing a jock strap or a tux. Shoot at me and I will kill you if I can.

    My kill count was 43 all in civilian clothes.

    What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?

    Should the Medicaid lien be resolved prior to finalizing and signing the settlement? Should Medicaid be a part of the settlement, providing all medical bills to be reimbursed, and signing off on the final agreement? If it is taken care of after the settlement agreement is reached between plaintiff and defendant, how long would the plaintiff/recipient of the award have to inform Medicaid of the settlement? How long would Medicaid have to respond with the bills they expect to be reimbursed for? Also, do you have any idea how long it takes for your settlement information to show up in Medicaid's system once submitted? Looking specifically for the law in the state of Kentucky. Sources please!What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?
    You need to talk to your attorney about what a lien is. Medicaid is going to have to be reimbursed whatever they're owed before you see a dime. You will get whatever is left of the settlement AFTER all medical bills and Medicaid claims are paid, and your attorney will pay these before you get your check.What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?
    What kind of lawsuit are you talking about, against who? Or do you mean against employer's Workmans Comp insurance, or another party?

    Whoever your settlement comes from, you have to repay Medicaid first, and they will deduct what they paid you before you get a check.What is the law concerning Medicaid reimbursement after settling a lawsuit?
    You need to consult with an lawyer on this one, they will answer all your concerns and questions.
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  • What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?

    I would like to have people that are either lawyers or police officers answer this question. If a 2 year old child is brought into a police station by someone other than their legal guardian and questioned as a witness, what is the law regarding this? I know it varies from state to state just in general?What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?
    In a criminal case they can question them without a parent or guardian. If they are at school or a friend it is their duty to contact you. If "abandoned" them it is your fault. If you are aware of the interview you can impose a lawyers presence during questions. Even in a trial a child can be given a subpoena. So a child can be compelled to talk. However sometimes social workers use administrative power shield children.
    In general it is against the law unless consent was given by the legal guardian it cannot be used as evidence.What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?
    As a witness to crime they need no parent or guardian to be there. Your question is very broad.

    Edit: As a witness they really have no rights police must follow.
    I know that if the child is under 18 years old before questioning can begin the parents must be notified then they will decide if they want there son/ daughter to be questioned.What is the law about questioning young minors as witnesses?
    In what country?

    What is the law concerning having pepper spray in Southern California?

    I would like to have a can of pepper spray for my personal safety, and need to know the law on the issue... I also work security at night and just looking for a little help on the answer... Thanks!What is the law concerning having pepper spray in Southern California?
    I know that when I've bought it I didn't fill out forms as with a gun. I just bought a few cans. My understanding is that you are simply responsible for damage, just as if you hit someone over the head with a chair. Be certain you have a defense. Self defense, if true, would work.What is the law concerning having pepper spray in Southern California?
    They recommend you take instruction on safety, but you won't need any paperwork or anything. Pretty much same with tazers. just no mace :|

    What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?

    What happenes to you if the cops find out that you are running a underground casino. What will the law do to you? Jail time? And do the police really care if you run one because i know of a few.What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?
    Operating a gambling establishment without the proper permission, licenses, and probably not paying the taxes you owe on the income you generate can only lead to charges, trials, and fines/prison.
    Heck no, they don't care. Since we all like to have fun, give us the name(s) and location(s) of the casinos!What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?
    Well I cant say for sure but it would prolly be something like money laundering. ( just a guess tho )
    Depends are your jurisdiction, however, the punishment often includes time in prison. This is often a felony and can carry a harsh punishment. And yes, the police departments usually have a vice squad that would focus on this area and they are usually not guys you want to mess with.What is the law say if you get caught running a underground casino?
    If you are one of Dick Cheney's buddies, nothing. Otherwise, they will institute the double standard act and cite you for being a legal non-native-american citizen of the USA and find you guilty of something or other, it really doesn't matter what, the government just wants all your money and they will put you in jail as an excuse for taking it.
    You will be prosecuted by the state attorney's office and possibley go to jail or prison and pay fines. You will be placed on probation. Good luck in the slammer.
    I think you should mind your own business.

    What is the path to a law degree in technology?

    I have my BA in information technology. I am now looking to add a technology law degree. What is the path for this? Do you have any schools you could suggest in California or online that specialize in technology law? Thanks!What is the path to a law degree in technology?
    Go a firm that specializes in patent/IP law. They may be prepared to take you on and train you while you work based on their need for technically educated people.

    What is the primary distinction between common law and civil law legal systems?

    I need to know what is the difference between common law and civil law legal systems?What is the primary distinction between common law and civil law legal systems?
    Common law systems like England, or those that follow the English model, rely on a body of case law which forms the basis of a system of judicial precedent. The advantage of this is that not everything needs to be legislated, a judge can make a decision when called upon to make it, and that same rule will be applied in every similar case in future. This has the advantage of actually keeping cases out of court - if you know what the result will be before going to court, there is no need to proceed. The problem is that the system is not very flexible and is slow to respond to the need to change.What is the primary distinction between common law and civil law legal systems?
    Civil law means that the legislators passed a law and it has specifics. That is civil or codified law. Common law is not necessarily written but has been formed over time and is more from court. Began back in feudal England and common law is in England and in most of the US. Exceptions are areas where French controlled and they are entirely civil law, like Louisiana. If it is not written that is not law. But common law is a series of understandings and most property law is common law.

    It is law that came over time as to how things are done. It developed in the church law and the English parliament where the petitioners could appeal to the church and they looked at fairness.

    In our judicial system, there is a case and the judges have a decision and that decision is based on precedents in how the law was decided before. it is supposed to be fair. But sometimes over time, there are some changes in the results even though there was no additional codified law or civil law.

    Roe vs. Wade is on common law, but also on privacy rights under the constitution but it is based on common law.

    Traffic laws are civil law -- it is written out precisely. But not all laws are written out specifically.

    Common law is hard to describe as to specifics. it is based on tradition and has a fairness about it rather than everythhing based on specifics in codified law. The biggest thing is property law which is all based in feudal law and in common law. Look at marriage. There are marriages which are codified in law. However, in many states there was also common law marriage where the couple said they were married and behaved as though they were and they were. That is still recognized in all states if it was valid in a previous state in which they entered common law marriage. However, many states who used to have common law marriages changed law to have only civil marriages, yet they will recognize the common law marriages from other states. That is one big issue on the gay relationship issues.What is the primary distinction between common law and civil law legal systems?
    Civil law is the legal system of written (codified) laws, whereas common law is developed by judges or decisions from the bench. In a common law jurisdiction (such as the US, Canada, and the UK), greater weight is placed on the precedent, or cases that have gone before. In the civil system, greater weight is placed on the written statutes.
    In civil law, the two distinctions are common law and statutory law. Common law arises out of the decisions in court cases. Statutory law is written and adopted by governments.
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  • Wednesday, March 7, 2012

    What state law allows Cambridge public school to send school security to visit your home?

    Cambridge public school official "Aida Ramos" sent a plan clothes school security guard to a disabled family home to see if her child lived in her home. This guard never showed any identification of who she was and she walked in there home with out being invited, like she had the right to walk in. the mother also special needs was afraid and just sign the paper the security asked her to sign and she said she wanted to see her child. Is their a law that support this kind of action?What state law allows Cambridge public school to send school security to visit your home?
    Well, I don't know about Cambridge, but I used to live in Detroit, and there's no way any school security person would have even tried to walk into someones house without showing ID. I sure wouldn't let someone in without ID, even if they were wearing a uniform.

    Actually I would wager that it was illegal for this person to do this. I'm very sure that school security has no authority outside of school owned property.

    Sounds like a real bully, that never grew out of it.What state law allows Cambridge public school to send school security to visit your home?
    Yes, it is perfectly legal if the school system suspects that the child does not actually live in the same school district where he is going to school.

    Often children will use the address of friends of relatives in order to enroll in a school without actually residing with that friend or relative. That is illegal and the parents or guardians are subject to stiff fines.

    Can a law office/creditors get the courts to place a lean on ones home if they dont pay their debt?

    My father had gotten our home loan for my sister and I a few years ago. So his name is on the loan and his name is on the title (My sister and I's name is only on the title). Now he has some debt which the law offices/creditors have taken to court. We were planning on selling our home and moving somewhere else...Would the courts put a lean on our home because of my fathers debt to make us pay before we can sell?

    To be honest, we cant pay what he owes simply because we cant afford it.

    Thanks for any info, Ive been stressed over this for a while.Can a law office/creditors get the courts to place a lean on ones home if they dont pay their debt?
    It is possible for creditors to get a court ordered judgment and at that point they can file liens on any property that your Father owns.

    This will not prevent you from selling the house, but the lien will mean that after the first loan is paid off any remaining profit will be applied to the second lien holder to pay them.
    not that i know of!Can a law office/creditors get the courts to place a lean on ones home if they dont pay their debt?
    It depends on the state, but usually if they file a Judgment against your father, that lien will attach to the property as well.
    If he is listed as a co-owner, yes they can get a lien. Once he got into financial difficulties you should have had him file a quit claim deed and turn over his interest to you.

    However, if he is just the mortgagee they can't.Can a law office/creditors get the courts to place a lean on ones home if they dont pay their debt?
    Yes it is possible for a creditor to put a lien on the property if he does not pay his debt.

    You can sell the property but any money left after the mortgage is paid off will go to pay the lien.
    The Lien(Not lean) will be the last thing the creditors will attempt to do. If your state allows it they will first go after garnishing of his wages. If he does not have a job or the state does not allow it they will attempt to attach his bank accounts, until the debt is paid. If he has no bank accounts they could then file to place a lien against the house.

    If his name is on the title then the creditor MAY be able to place a lien on it. There are some states that do not allow a lien to be placed if it the title has multiple people but only one is named in the debt. This does vary by state so you should consult a lawyer in your area to ask them what could happen in your specific case. Most will give you a free short consultation.

    If the worst case happens and they do place a lien against the house. It can still be sold but before the title is released the lien will need to be satisfied(paid) out of the profits of the house.

    What government law is involved for cracking online passwords?

    What government law is involved for cracking online passwords? What would be the investigation about? I would only like to learn info on how this process works.What government law is involved for cracking online passwords?
    In New Zealand it is "Unlawfully accessing a computer system". This carries a maximum sentence iof 7 years in the slammer. The actual law varies from country to country and if you live in Nigeria it is not even illegal.

    Can anyone tell me the reality and expectations of law school?

    I am planning to enroll in law school next month and so I would want advice from law students and even lawyers about what to expect, how the atmosphere is like, the subjects, the "terror" teachers, the student life, how stressful it is, and especially how to handle the Socratic method very well. I want to know the experiences of being in law school, both the most enjoyable and the most hellish. I would highly appreciate the point of view from law students themselves so I would prepare myself for it. Thanks!Can anyone tell me the reality and expectations of law school?
    I am sure you already know this and it is just a mis-wording of the question but you do not "enroll" in law school, you have to apply and be accepted. Anyway, you're in luck as I just graduated from law school.

    Reading: To start with you have to read a lot in law school. I usually read between 300-500 pages per week. It is much more difficult reading than you ever encountered in undergrad. It is mostly cases and statutes. During your first year it could very well take you one hour per 10 pages of reading, until you get the hang of it and can do it faster (for most people this happens at the end of the first year or during the second that the reading becomes easier for you.)

    The subjects: Some you will find boring, others will be of great interest to you, and then others nearly everyone will hate. You should already be enrolled in some classes if you are starting for the summer term so I'll spare you a list of typical first year courses and just say that each one offers its own challenge.

    Socratic method: Not many profs in law school are "hellish." 99% of the time your prof will be very kind and patient when calling on you. That said, if you did not do the reading or they can tell you didn't even try to figure something out on your own, they will get ticked and be a little more aggressive. However, if you make a good faith effort to understand the reading profs generally have no problem with you asking a question if you are called on and unclear on that case. Every once in a while though you can run into a pretty tough prof. They will make you stand when called on and stay on you for 45 min to an hour. But like I said that is the exception and not the rule (actually I never had this prof I am talking about but he is the only one to be this tough that I know of at my law school).

    What is most enjoyable to you as a law student will depend on your taste. I always enjoyed writing so any written assignments or any classes that allowed a paper instead of an exam were fun for me. You may enjoy research, if you like oral advocacy, oral argument may be your favorite. It just all depends on your taste. I would recommend that you take at least one alternative dispute resolution course (negotiations, mediation, arbitration ect) as almost everyone seems to enjoy those classes and for good reason, it is really fun.

    The most hellish part of law school will also depend on you. The worst part for me was the pressure of taking one exam at the end of the semester for my entire grade. Also pretty hellish is the amount of time you spend doing this stuff and by exam time you are burned out.

    There is no way to prepare yourself except to have an open mind and a hard working attitude. Law school is there to teach you all of this, everyone comes in anxious and with no idea how to handle law school but you will figure it out as every law student before you has.

    If you would like an in depth look at what law school is like from an insiders point of view, read "1L" can't remember the author's name but I am sure you can find it by the title.

    Best of luck!!!