Sunday, March 4, 2012

What's the difference between "enforce the law" and "administer the law"?

What's the difference between "enforce the law" and "administer the law"? Is it that some enforce the law and others administer the law? Or one is spoken English, the other formal?What's the difference between "enforce the law" and "administer the law"?
Enforce - to put or keep in force; compel obedience to: to enforce a rule; Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.

Administer - to manage (affairs, a government, etc.); have executive charge of: to administer the law.

When a policeman writes a ticket or a warning he is enforcing the law, hopefully this compels obedience.

When a policeman handcuffs someone who has a warrant for their arrest or when a judge gives judgment they are administering the law.

Note: Usually the police enforces the law, but when he handcuffs anyone he is doing both because they have executive charge of that individual.What's the difference between "enforce the law" and "administer the law"?
A policeman ENFORCES the law. (makes sure it's followed)

The Government ADMINISTERS the law. (writes and amends the law)

The Judiciary has a role, to a degree, in both enforcing and administering the law (because, professionally, it shuold understand the whole of law better than Government).

They are quite separate functions.

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