Saturday, March 10, 2012

My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?

I come from a traditional family with set rules and values. I recently gave birth to my daughter and I am going to be celebrating her one month birthday. In my family's tradition, we are supposed to shave her head. I want to follow that tradition, however my mother in law is opposed to it. She thinks it's barbaric and has been upset with my decision for the go-ahead. What should I do?My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?
I was going to say tell her to shut up..

..but really, what's the point of this tradition? Is it like a religious thing or just some silly crap your grandma made up?

Well, I guess you should probably still tell her to shut up, tell your own family the same, and you and your husband can make up your own minds.
When all is said and done, you are her mother. It truly is your choice. The only way that your mother-in-law (or anybody else, other than you or the father) should have any say is if you were an unfit parent, raising your child in an unfit environment and doing something completely wrong. Shaving your daughters head after 1 month really isn't a big deal, they don't have much hair after 1 month anyway. Your mother-in-law should back off, and let you carry on with your family traditions. It's not like you're being a bad mother by shaving your daughters head, it's no harm to the child at all. So, really, being the mother, unless your child's father disagrees, then it's your choice!

It's's gunna grow back.My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?
although I have to say it seems a strage tradition to me, its not like its going to hurt her and there cant be that much to shave off anyways, if shes a month old. But all that aside, this is your daughter. Not your mother in laws. You need to discuss things with your husband and as long as you two are in agreement, who in the world is going to care about what she thinks about?? If she keeps bugging you then your husband needs to have a talk with her about boundaries. And you need to grow a backbone and put your foot down on matter that have nothing to do with your mil
Your 1 month old has enough hair that it'd even be noticeable if you shaved it? I would suggest against lathering her head up with shaving cream and taking a razor to it, but buzzers aren't going to cause any damage.

Remember that this is the person who raised your husband; she must not be all bad. She _has_ dealt with children and _does_ have valuable insight, perspective, and advice. Take it with respect and then make the best decision all around.My mother in law and I have different views on how to raise my daughter. What should I do?
You are her mother so you are allowed to say what goes. Although she may be upset you are her mom and you can do whatever you want, you are in charge. I think it should be up to you what goes...she is only the grandmother and although she may be upset and will be upset when you do's not her place to try to control you and tell you what you can and can't do. It's your tradition that you want followed so go ahead and do it regardless!
There is no problem here...what you should do is raise your child the way YOU and YOUR HuSBAND want to raise her. Grandmothers don't get to descide...they raised their kids, now they get to enjoy their grandkids, while minding their own business and letting the parents raise them the way they see fit. Please note that I said this is yours and your husbands decision...not JUST YOURS.
It's your daughter not hers. You raise YOUR daughter how you want she can't do anything about it since it isn't her daughter. So go for what you want to do in your child's life.
You are the mother. It sounds like a pretty stupid tradition, but she probably doesn't have much hair anyway. Just be careful not to nick her tender skin.
Who shaves a one month olds head.
Go ahead follow your family tradition and shave her head.....lmao, this can't be real
It's your baby, not hers...
I think you're both silly. Who cares if a one year-old girl has hair?
She is YOUR daughter, it is a tradition in YOUR family, and you mother in law should stay out of it, and let you do what you want with your daughter. although, your husband should have a say in it. if he still thinks its okay, then go for it and who cares what she says, but if he doesn't, then talk to him about it :)

answer mine please?;鈥?/a>

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