Saturday, February 25, 2012

My crazy sister in law is pregnant? Orhyaleygh for a girl?

Okay so I've never liked my brother's wife. She's obnoxious and crazy. Now she's pregnant. Guess what she wants to name her baby? Orhyaleygh (pronounced O'Riley) because O'Riley is her maiden name. but she wants it "uhnnikqueeh". I know how horrible it was to have a name spelled like Heathar.

Now, I'm not trying to control her, I just want to talk her out of it. I'd like to kindly suggest other names and tell her how hard it was for me and my brother (his name is Rian).

Well what I'm asking here is what should I say to her? And what do you think of this name. is it horrible or is it just me?My crazy sister in law is pregnant? Orhyaleygh for a girl?
No it's not just you.. There is a fine line between unique %26amp; rediculous . That is the stupidest name I've ever heard.. Sounds like some kind of weird stage name . I mean seriously.. Orhyaleygh . ? No one will be able to pronouce it %26amp; the poor kid is going to be made fun of . It's cruel to just set your kid up for failure like that . I suggest you tell her straight up how f***ing dumb that sounds . Misspelled names are stupid enough without lunitics like these... This makes me wonder what she's going to name her next kid . Anyways... Good luck trying to convince her (:
Wow, what a horrible horrible spelling. I understand being unique but that is just f*#ked up. Tell her about you and your brother and tell her to get on the internet and ask peoples opinions, no one will like that, its ridiculous. Maybe talk to your brother and convince him so he can disagree with it, it's his baby too.My crazy sister in law is pregnant? Orhyaleygh for a girl?
Maybe you can suggest that she work the "Ri" from both O'Riley and Rian into something different. Or if she's really hard headed , have her pitch the name to a child. Maybe when she gets a sense of how her child will be taunted on he playground she will think of something else.
Yeah, I hope she enjoys nobody ever being able to pronounce her kids name. Or spell it. But, she will probably pick something equally moronic if she does not pick that hot mess. As everyone now a days seems to pick idiotic names. Ha, bet you never find that name on a pencil.My crazy sister in law is pregnant? Orhyaleygh for a girl?
That spelling is overwhelming. And it's kind of odd to name her kid after her maiden name.
I don't really believe. I have a hard time fathoming that anyone is THAT illiterate no matter how -youneek- they're trying to be.

She's probably is no fan of yours either and is just messing with you.

That or you are making up stories...something smells fishy to me.
her name sounds like a Pakistani that is about to attack
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